Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Envelopes! Do you stamp your envelopes? Here is my go to envelope design


bullet journal

 Have been a bullet journaller wannabe for a while. Like anything it is a daily practice more than anything. I don't do anything fancy in there! Here is the start of a weekly layout for me. 

You need a room!

 When I began this hobby back in 2003, I had a little container of stamps and ink that were located on my laundry room shelf.😂 After a while I graduated to having a corner of the office in our house. I've moved a few times since then & have been in my current house for around 7 years. I have NO IDEA why I waited so long to convert a spare bedroom to a craft room. I've created so many more cards in the past year (since re-doing the room) than I have in the past 6 years. Here are a couple of pics:

Setting an intention

 My intention for this blog is simple- to create and share. I am inspired by all of the card making bloggers, instragrammers, youtubers etc of the world. I've always enjoyed this quote "Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." 


 I’m a watercolor artist wannabe. Truthfully, I don’t think there are enough hours in the day for me to practice enough to get good at it. I...