Monday, August 14, 2023

Stamping: a history

 It doesn't read as well as "Hogwarts: A History" but it will do for a title. I did a little dive into my past via my gallery on Splitcoast. Gosh I love Splitcoast, but I REALLY loved it back in 2004 and 2005- I could barely get off the site. All these years later, I still love Splitcoast but I am also really excited about Craft Roulette. I am so happy to have Craft Roulette to help keep my feeling challenged and inspired. 

Anyway, here is a visual of my "heyday" of stamping 

2005 was my highest year of card making and posting and I think it was the year I was a Stampin' Up demonstrator. For 6 years (2014-2019) I made ZERO cards!!! I sold some stamps, kept some stored, had no space to really work.
So what brought me back to this hobby?
1- I had never really given it up in my mind. My stamps just weren't accessible etc.
2- I finally made a "craft room!” I did this in July of last year and 6 of the 7 cards that I made in 2022 were after August when I got my room arranged.
3- Craft Roulette. When I re-discovered watching YouTube for stamping, I started watching Gina K again, just as I had back in 2005 (maybe 2006). When Gina K sent out a message that she was going to be on Craft Roulette, I was intrigued and tuned in. Well, it only took one episode for me to LOVE Craft Roulette. Mary Gunn Funn makes card making funn again with her wheel and parameters. Apparently I needed a challenge. Going forward, I hope I can keep card making fresh and exciting to me. I'd like to stay motivated with it because it feels a little bit like getting "back to my old self."
       I know that 40 cards per YEAR is nothing when you look at the YouTubers. But, I also know that you gotta start somewhere! 40 cards would be a great goal for me to finish out 2023 (right now I'm at 24 for the year). The more you stamp, the better you get at it and I am still trying to find my style. 
  1/24 Update: I uploaded 39 cards to SCS for 2023 so I was one card short of my goal!

1 comment:

  1. I have been cardmaking for a little over 20 years now, I had to think about that :) I live away from a big family and so making cards for their birthdays and special times keep me very busy, along with my friends, I have never gone away from it all these years but I have slowed down a little bit. I have told my Great nephews and nieces that it is too hard to keep up with their moving all over and so once they move out of their parents home I no longer make cards for them, that gives me more time to enjoy journaling now :) I don't think there is a set number you should worry about doing, just what you want to do when you need some creativity time or want to bring some happiness to someone else :)



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