Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Z Fold cards are pretty fun!

 Once again, craft roulette challenged me to go out of the box and do something different. I have never made Z-fold card before I made the first one with the old truck, and I really wasn’t happy with my water coloring. I tried to redo it but I still wasn’t happy (The second picture is my 2nd attempt ). Then, I needed a card for a family member so I made another Z-fold. After that, I totally switched gears and went with the funny phone or my craft roulette submission. I guess I went on a little Z-fold kick.

For craft roulette 172. Parameters were:

Project: Z fold

Colors: any

Element: Old

Random: something from my mesk

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 I’m a watercolor artist wannabe. Truthfully, I don’t think there are enough hours in the day for me to practice enough to get good at it. I...